I must apologize for the delay since the last post. Real life reared it's ugly head and made a mess of my blogging schedule.

This is going to be a permanent feature of the blog where I throw around conversion ideas and show off some of my own work. I've always been interested in converting my models but one of my great inspirations has been Ron Saikowski. I follow his blog Black Dot Barrel Studios and he does some really great stuff. On top of all the awesome work he does, he's also a fan of Dark Angels. Definitely check it out if you can.

While Games Workshop make great models, I look at most of the generic space marines as simply a template to create themed Dark Angels for my army. However I also have a tendency to start a conversion but not finish it, set it aside and start another conversion from the myriad of ideas that are floating around inside my head. Rinse and repeat that several times and you end up with a whole bunch of conversions in various stages of completion...I now have a whole box of them.

One of the problems with this is that when I finally get around to the old ones, the idea that I started with is either fuzzy or has completely vanished from my brain like data from RAM when you reset your PC. I've now started to write down my ideas for conversions and list the bits I am considering using for it so that I don't have to rely on squishy brain matter as much.

Now that I have almost all the hobby tools I need/want I hope I will be able to finally finish off some of them. Here's a list of the most prominent conversions I have on my to-do list:
  • Ravenwing Standard Bearer
  • Master of the Ravenwing Landspeeder
  • Master of the Deathwing
  • Deathwing 'Command Squad'
  • Interrogator Chaplain with wings (counts as jump pack)
  • Librarian with wings
There are going to be more than that but these are what I consider 'major' conversions so keep an eye out for these. I will also post more 'minor' conversions in between or leading up to the major projects.

Stay tuned for more.

 - Dugatron