Finished up a 5 man unit of terminators, each with Chain-fist, one with power sword, from the AoBR box set. Chainfists where made by cutting off a length of Chain blade from left over bits and then a quick filling down of lower part of the power fist, then gluing the chainsaw part on.

The paint recipe is as follows:

Army Painter Skeleton Bone colored primer
Skull White extreme highlights over armor
Guns and shoulder pads Dark Angels Green followed by Snot Green Highlights
Crests, icons: Plain Blood Red
Eyes: Hawk Turquoise, white edges, white helmet highlight
Metals: Chainmail, Badab Black
Miniwax Red Oak wash

Scab Red, then Snakebite Leather, then Scab Red again, then Snakebite leather again. All wet blended.