I went with a super shooty build on this Praetorian Knight. The next one will have the Incinerator.
   Well, I just about finished with my Praetorian (Dread) Knight. I still need to do some work on the black, apply another wash and highlight and I will be done with the first one. I plan on doing atleast one more.
Still a WIP but getting close.
I can't wait to get my Grey Knight(less) army on the table top.
    I'm really excited about the new GK codex. This is my first "new" army in 5 years and I am enjoying the prospect of a new army to play with. When I looked at the preview codex, I started thinking about an all henchman build but, I wanted to use the DK model. The it hit me....use a sentinel with a Praetorian driver! This really is a ton of FUN! Thanks to Frank for taking the pics!

Go Roll Some Dice!!!