Today, I thought I'd share some of the terrain pieces I've been working on.  Not all of them are complete, but I've made enough progress to feel comfortable showing them off.

First up, my Aegis defense line:

If you're familiar with the Aegis kit, you'll notice that the gun is different on the one I assembled.  I used the Autocannon parts from the Aegis kit to make arms for my Dreadnoughts, seen here.  At one point, I was planning in simply tossing the gun emplacement and using only the Aegis walls, but I came up with a better plan.

When I made my Land Raider Crusader, I had the Flamestorm Cannons (meant for a LR Redeemer) left over.  I kit-bashed them a bit, with the help of some plastic tubing, and completed the gun emplacement with them.  

At first, I thought that a Flamestorm Gun emplacement was a bit silly.  But, since I've used so many Tyranids in basing and kit bashing (as victims and caracasses) on my Space Wolves forces, it kind of make sense.  

I recently purchased the Honoured Imperium set, which has some awesome pieces.  First, the simplest piece, a chunk of ruined imperial building:

This piece is pretty small, but could provided a bit of cover.  Here's another shot for scale:

After I saw the sprues in the Imperial Sector, I realized that this is just a cut-up rearranged bit of that kit.  Also, forgive the basing on theses pieces, I ran out of hobby snow.  Eventually, they'll based to match my future snow-themed game board.

The next piece from this set is much cooler.  A shattered Aquila:

And lastly, the coolest piece:

I love this statue!  I made some modifications from the basic piece.  I added some damage and bullet holes across the surface.  I also removed the laurel and skull from the shield, and replaced it with a space wolves icon, sculpted in green stuff:

I also added some iconography to the shoulder pad and modified the skull on the pommel of the sword to make it look like a wolf skull:

I plan on picking up another of these sets, so I can have a companion piece for this statue.  I plan on using them to make a sort of gate, with the two statues standing vigil.  When I get that started, I'll share some photos.  

That's it for this week, next time I hope to share some of my kit-bashed and customized Space Wolves HQs.

Thanks for reading!
