It seems Tristan over at Gwpertinent has nominated my boring old blog for something called the Stylish Blogger Awards.  I’ve been chosen to participate in a form of good will internet chain letter. Well,I’d like say that I’m quite tickled to be recognized by one of the community.  For one to be honored by one’s peers is the best kind kudos.

This is what Tristan has to say via the Copy/Pasta:

“The Stylish Blogger Award given from one blogger to another one might say, is like a pat on the back for a good job. It's definitely a viral, zombie-like spread of good will so it's too good to pass up.”

The rules;
Thank and link back to the person giving you the award
Share seven things about yourself
Select 10-15 blogs who you think deserve this award
Contact these bloggers and let them know about the award. 

First of all, I’d like to offer a huge Thank you to Tristan for the nomination. If you don’t read his blog, I think that you should go fix that right now. It's filled with great content on some of my favorite old school games; Blood-Bowl, Mordheim and Necromunda.

I highly recommend heading over that way and see what’s new on Tristan’s side of the Inter-webs. I also may be a little bias for the simple fact he always commenting on my own blog with helpful suggestions that I really appreciate.

Fun Facts:
    1. “I have a policy to never talk about myself because it’s boring.”

    2. Larry saw The Fellowship of the Ring 3 times on opening day back into 2001.

    3. I have a one daughter, who is quite the digital artist. I constantly beg for Art for the blog but she never draws me anything.   

    4. I don’t watch the Television and I rarely play video games. This explains all my free time to constantly paint.

    5. The Tag-line at the top of the blog is inspired by Garrison Keillor.

    6. Refer to #1.

    7. Refer to #6.

    My Stylish Blogger Awards go to folks who just blog for the blog of it. They are hobbyists who keep me going when the motivation is starting to lag. Here they are in no particular order…
    Noestes-- A true artist. He hasn't been able to blog lately, but one of my faves.
    Sons of Taurus-- Anyone who makes Light-up Blast Markers is guy I want to play games with!
    Xenos and Proud-- A younger gentlemen, but a fresh and fun perspective on the hobby.
    Opposing Forces-- They don't blog much, but they have the most amazing city table.
    Drinkin and Modelin--Blood-bowl and Beer all in one blog.
    Eldar addict-- One of the better hobby blogs out there.
    Anarchy's Heart-- He just finished up an 40k Escalation league with his Chaos demons. Very entertaining.
    A Gamer's Blog-- Jr. has just started up and has some well thought out ideas.
    Faeit 212 -- Thank you for all the rumor round ups!
    W40ktenerife-- It's in Spanish, but they post up some incredible photos and models.

    I'm done and have some emails to send.