Luna Wolves Librarian ‘Deznal Orkoddon’

This was my conversion of a librarian, being constantly bored of the poses for a librarian in Gamesworkshop i decided on making my own. To be honest i am so happy with the outcome of this model and think the pose for it is just what i wanted. But here fo the part that i’ve needed to say for ages, the painting..Now bare with me, i did this ages ago.


Regal Blue

Asurman Blue wash

Ultramarines Blue

Asurman Blue wash in Recesses

Ice Blue Highlight


Bleached bone

Gryphonne Sepia wash

Now the staff was made before i started on the model. I used the staff from the Chaos space marine terminator lord set and chopped the top and bottom off, i then extended the bottom with green stuff and put an aquilla sign on the top.