This month is going to be crazy. This weekend is the monthly tournament at Dragon's Lair, a 2000pts no holds barred Austin cheese fest. The competition is bound to be fierce. The following weekend is an all weekend roadtrip to Dallas for the Rail Head Rumble at A-Con. I'm really looking forward to this event and it promises to be a knockdown drag out. There will definitely be some hard as nails lists there and a bunch of us from Austin are attending. The third weekend is a WarGamesCon terrain  prep party. And then the 4th weekend of the month a few of the Austin crew are headed to Killeen to BattleField Games to play in their 1750pt Hobby event. It should be a lot of fun.

 Then in July we have another DL event followed by the Texas event of the year WARGAMESCON! Oh yeah! Now back to the painting table to finish my first "Finecast" mini....more on that soon.

Now Go Roll Some Dice!!!