I haven't been posting too much on the Blog-o-net of late. But that doesn't mean I haven't been busy. In fact I've been so busy with various projects I just haven't had the time to really stop and take fancy pictures, not to mention, the weather has not been cooperating for good pics lately. I've been expanding my games lately into other non GW games. Along with Warmahordes, I'm investing time and $$ into Dystopian wars & Malifaux. I'm also thinking of starting an Imperial Guard or Dark Eldar army.

So here's a few random updates along with a couple pics.

For Dystopian wars I have chosen, Empire of the blazing sun. My fleet is coming along nicely, and I hope to have it completed soon. I actually have taken a few pics along the way, so I hope to have a step by step post on the fleet soon.
Mostly done, just need to add some details/highlights.

For Malifaux I'm going to be playing Guild, and I also picked up some Neverborn for the kids to play. I'm going to be trying out a new priming method on these guys. So hopefully more on that later.
 1. black primer
2. white over the black at a 45 degree angle, from above

I've been playing Blood Hammers a lot, and the work has been slow, just been slightly distracted with the above new stuff. However, I did manage to complete a Furioso Librarian converted from Black reach dreadnaught body and spare furioso parts (I used the new kit to make a death co dread).
sawing the black reach face plate was a major pain, but worked out ok in the end (with a little green stuff)

I have lots to paint still, and hope to post something soon. In progress: Dante, Storm raven & Lemartes.
w.i.p. Dante with his massive Blood Hammer! 

I have my Skaven plague army that I'm working on, with some new models arriving in the mail today, HPA & plague catapult. Can't wait to paint these dudes.

What about Space wolves? I love my wolves, I've been playing them, but just haven't been inspired to paint them lately. I have Lukas started, and want to do something interesting for his cloak. I would also like to finish my dread.

Beyond that there is my Chaos Tzeentch army which is in a state of base coat, Dwarfs (I'm hoping for a new army book for my beloved Dwarfs soon), Chaos Dwarfs (with new models coming out now), and would kind of like to make a disgustingly all pink Slannesh CSM army.

That's all for now. I hope you enjoyed my scatter brained hobby antics.

Game on!