With all notes mentioned in the previous post, this is the initial army list I have begun to build. It is the bare bones of what it is I want to accomplish with my Imperial Guard army, to be built upon as I continue with this hobby.
To keep it simple, I have started with 1500 points.
The previous post in mind, I have used a lot of indirect fire with the five Mortar Teams, the two Griffons, and the Master of Ordnance. This will, at least I hope, demoralize the player, who will send more of a force than is needed to take care of this relatively minor threat. There are a lot of bait tactics that can be used should that work to my advantage. The heavy support comes to me with as many snub nosed, high STR low AP weapons as I could cram in. Two Demolishers and a Medusa should help to make any enemy armor want to keep out of sight, which means out of its own sight of my men. I then have at least double the men to what most armies will bring to a 1500 point game.
THE LIST: 1500 points
(edited after helpful comments)
Company Command Squad
Regimental Standard, Medi-pack, Master of Ordnance
Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad
Vox-caster, Grenade Launcher (x3)
Infantry Squad
Grenade Launcher, Autocannon, Vox-caster
Infantry Squad
Grenade Launcher, Autocannon, Vox-caster
Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad
Vox-caster, Grenade Launcher (x3)
Infantry Squad
Grenade Launcher, Autocannon, Vox-caster
Infantry Squad
Grenade Launcher, Autocannon, Vox-caster
Heavy Weapon Squad
Mortar (x3)Heavy Weapon Squad
Mortar (x3)
Heavy Weapon Squad
Mortar (x3)
Heavy Weapon Squad
Mortar (x3)
Heavy Weapon Squad
Mortar (x3)
Scout Sentinel Squad
Scout Sentinels (x2)
Autocannon (x2)
Demolishers (x2)
Ordnance Battery
Medusa (x1)
Ordnance Battery
Griffon (x2)
(picture taken from games-workshop website)