Coming back to this blog after over a year away... mainly due to spending the fall, winter, and spring in Europe for my first year of uni.

Anyway, I find myself back at home in Canada for the foreseeable future, and getting right back into the hobby swing of things.

A bit of thinking and looking at my collection have prompted the following thoughts:

  • I'm through with building armies around army lists. I want to collect and paint models I want to collect and paint and maybe even play with.

  • My Space Marines will be my main gaming army. That means my other armies (Imperial Guard, Necrons, Eldar) are more free to focus on theme and showiness, and less on game legality.

Currently I am about to dive into a wave of plastic power armour, utilising the new Grey Knight plastics to bolster the Revilers' Librarium and First Company, as well as assembling the MkIII Marines I bought in England at Warhammer World. Also two more drop pods!

My other main hobby project at the moment is a set of Inquisitorial Henchmen, attached Inquisitor, and Rhino transport for my friend Jeff who recently started Grey Knights.

In the further future (all the grim darkness of it) I plan to pick up some Dark Eldar models because they're bloody amazing. But that will wait until a little while later, probably.

Watch this space for imminent pics of my current works in progress, taken with my slick (and thoroughly field tested) DSLR camera.

And trust me, there will be magnets. Oh, there will be.