So I've been pretty busy working on the models for the project and playing Rift with Jawaballs. It's amazing how I forgot the amount of time that MMO consumes. All that time was spent playing online versus getting the project complete and done. Oh well, lesson learned. I'll be playing less Rift and more painting for the week.
Anyways, on to the good

Pose was Dreadnought walking over an Ork after killing it

Dreadnought pose from the side
Dread with some paint thrown on it

Close up of the Ork being stomped on

Assault Squad w/no heads based

Tried something new and unique: Triple thrusters!

Triple Thrusters air vent
I will try to squeeze the entire project to be finished by this Friday before the weekend since it will be 4th of July. Otherwise, it will be completed by early next week.