Here are some more Tyranid shots. I've got access to a camera with a telephoto lens, but these shots were taken with the first. I'm not sure it will get better shots, but it might.

Anyways, here's the paints I used:
Scaly Green on the carapace.
Blood red on the eyes/tongue
Shadow grey on the talons/hooves
Dark Angels green drybrushed on the skin.
Scaly green thinned to basically water on the veins
Regal blue on the adrenal glands, thinned.

Monstrous scything talons. When I get time, I might replace them with rending claws. I haven't looked at 5th edition codex, so who knows.

One of my favorite models, and definitely will garner a lot more attention next time around. I painted him in >15 min I think, right before a tournament.

They always say tat not every model needs to be perfect, and that once you put them all on the table, those minor mistakes go away. I think these group shots kind of show that.

Half finished :(

Notice the broken talon on the foremost gaunt? I really need to go back and fix these guys up.

Looking at these photos reminds me that my marines don't have to be perfect. My painting has improved, and I don't have the same glaring missed spots. Still, maybe taking this lesson to heart will mean it doesn't take forever to paint a single marine.
