I have wondered on the odd occasion about just who or what is the most evil thing in the 40k universe. As I am aware there are many different types of evil but what I'm talking about here is who is the most generically evil race in the 40k universe, there are many candidates from varying from the lovely tau to the chaos which in some circumstances could be considered  a pure embodiment of hate and anger. And then we have less obvious races like the Orks, Orks are very often overlooked as they are a lot of fun to play or play against but if you think a little deeper you can see that all the Orks think about is war and a good honest punch in the face or two.
Also their is the Dark Eldar who thrive on suffering of the others.

So who do you think are the most evil race in the 40k universe do you agree with me or do you disagree?
Their is a poll made for you to answer this and it should be just over on the left.

Zach: Out