Hey Everybody. Got some big Dreadnought update stuff here today. I finished the torso as well as the right arm. Pictures!
The World Eater iconography on the sarcophagus is a sterling example of FW details.
Freakin' Continents on the globe.
Chaos stars incase you forgot it's a Chaos dread.
Almost done! I'll prolly have the left arm wrapped up tomorrow/later today, so I'll throw some pictures up then. Also, Sharp eyed readers may have noticed the paint blorches around the bronze teeth on the sarcophagus. These have since been fixed. In the mean time: Happy Birthday, America! Hooray!
Now I know what you're thinking. "The Fourth of July is pretty awesome, but it sure doesn't have any WWF Superstar based companion holidays." Well fret no more, cause dig it: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=130660783679011. That's right, chumps. International Talk Like Macho Man Randy Savage day. Ooooh Yeeeah. I'm talkin like him RIIIGHT NOOOW! Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll SNAP into a Slim Jim.
Stay tuned for more exciting up to the minute news about the Waaagh! Grimbad you care about.