OK. Just a quick update to let the readers know that the blog will soon be back in action after a lengthy hiatus. Things have been pretty crazy with puppy-sitting and work which doesn't leave me with any uninterrupted time to work on anything hobby related. Even as I sit at my PC typing this up, I've got two 25kg puppies having a gladiator match under my chair. Very cute but not super conducive to hobby progress. However, only a week remains of my puppy-sitting duties and as such I'll be jumping back into things with gusto.
For those who were following the 'Cool Champion Challenge', it pretty much flopped I'm afraid. The friend that played Ultramarines even quit the hobby (again) but I suppose nobody mourns the loss of another smurf player. Aww, you know I'm just kidding. Having said that, I'll still be completing my Angels of Redemption sergeant so keep an eye out for that in the weeks to come.
In future blog news, I'll be putting up my first tutorial on making a more gothic style thunder hammer for our beloved moody marines which is an exciting new step in my blogging experience.
Procrastinating aside, something should be up in about a week or so :)
Also as a side note; if you haven't already donated to the Heroes of Armageddon charity project go ahead and do so. You could win an army and things are coming to an epic climax and the models already in look sweet.
Stay tuned for more.
- Dugatron
Return of the Jedi
by Dugatron | Jul 14, 2011