The wee grots (i.e., my kids) have really taken to playing 40K For Kids down at the FLGS the last few weekends.
The still beat me regularly. I almost won. Once.
In case you missed my first post about 40K: Junior Edition, here's the rules we follow:
All models count as "the same." Tanks, goblins on wolfback, Sisters of Sigmar, whatever.
All models move six inches. We don't bother with difficult terrain, but we do use true line of sight.
All models have the same gun. Even if they don't "have guns." They also don't know how to punch people (i.e., we don't do close combat).
All models hit on 4+.
All models wound on a 4+.
All models save on a 4+.
For a game to last a couple of hours, the four of us usually use ten or fifteen models each.
Using the 4+/4+/4+ roll table let us talk about half and half probability, and how many models should really die if they get shot at by ten enemies.
It lets the kids tease me even more when my guys die four at a time, or my whole army opens up on someone and nobody gets removed from the table. Math is a harsh mistress.
I won't say that games against three Second-graders always run tournament-smoothly, but it's pretty cool when the bickering is about the story of the game, instead of who's next or who gets which controller.
Speaking of tournaments, while we were in the store some fellows were playing a Clix-tournament. That got my kids to thinking: "can we play in a tournament?"
So now, I am hoping that FLGS is open to the idea of a Future Warlord Tournament.
I convinced them to have a Mordheim Day, so maybe anything is possible!