So yesterday the Heroes of Armageddon drive for Doctors Without Borders ended. Part of me is sad to see it end and part of me is already looking forward towards the next possible one. After all Heroes of Armageddon was their second drive after the Storm Wardens.

I am kinda hoping we can reach the 40k mark with the next one if only to match our hobby there.

"We are very proud to announce that these armies have raised $31,057 for Doctors without Borders"

the wait is over. The Heroes of Armageddon project started in April and now, almost 4 months later, we have accomplished what we set out to do: 4 armies modeled and painted to the highest standards. We have here the true Heroes of Armageddon: the Steel Legion and Blood Angels opposite Ghazghkull Thraka's Horde and the Wazdakka Gutsmek's Speed Freaks.

From the start of this project, we have tried to stay close to the 3000 point goal, but as you will see, some armies are bigger, some are smaller. All in all, it has been a tremendous effort, having models come from all over the American continent, from Hawaii to Canada to Virginia. 

For the rest of the post along with images of the armies, extras and a list of the winners I direct you towards the Heroes of Armageddon site. 

I can say that I am glad to have been a part of this and that I have sent in my donation weekly, partly as support for the worthy cause and partly for a chance at one of their weekly prizes. Of course in the latter regard I was emboldened because of winning a weekly prize right after my first donation (the Stormlord mentioned before in my blog).

Still no arrival on my Avatar of War Dwarf Bezerkers so I am going to send out a mail again about it soon. As for my other developments they have been toned down somewhat as RL is being a pain in the ass. Need to deal with losing my job soon as well as getting back on the market to find a new one.

I hope to be able to get back to painting and such soon without feeling guilty for doing so.
