I was lurking on one of my favorite forums and came across some very interesting and well done Ork scenery.  I love looking at other people's minis and work. It is neat to see where our fellow hobbyists are in terms of their own hobby experience.  But, let's be realistic.  Most of us have some painted miniatures, and some that are just built, awaiting paint.  Then we have some folks that just like to play the game, and that is fine as well.  Then there is what I aspire to...the guy who has 6,000+ points, and a fully playable table, with complete scenery.  One like you might find in White Dwarf. 

It is always inspiring to find such hobbyists out there, and the-waaagh forums seem to be an endless source of inspiration. 

Pazuzuork's terrain perfectly blends the wacky ork nature with the technology and overall tone of the 41st millenium.  (Such as the Imperial Generator gets an honorable mention for it's simplicity and detail work all rolled into one!)

The waaagh tower and tree house are all great!  And from the looks of it, the tellyporta Pazuzork is working on is going to be phenomonal! 

Overall, Pazuzork's terrain and project thread gets an Spiky squig on the squig scale!

For the display of kunnin' and mekanikal know-wotz, I am proud to present to Pazuzork the never before seen, highly coveted, Mek Badge!  (this is reserved for exceptional material, honorable metions etc.. the graphic will probably change over time, as the topic/needs dictate, I definitely hope to be able to use this feature more!)  So, congratulations Pazuzork on being the inaugral recepient of this award!