With me now pretty much in possession of my full 1750point Dark Eldar army (still waiting on a few bits), I have started looking at colour schemes.

I have been mighty impressed with a lot of the armies out there especially those done by several of the DE blogs I follow (check them out! Rant in E Minor probably being the most awesome). I wanted to have a scheme that a) I could paint b) was going to let me finish by October, seeing as I'm heading to the Throne of Skulls Event2.

My mate Steve offered to do a test model to the scheme I was considering (as his painting skills are far better than mine) and he came up with a couple of pics of the first model he did.

The model has a metallic highlight to the armour, with purple/pink as the main colour.

Another angle of the same model. I do like the clash of metallic and purple. Whilst I'm unlikely to field
Trueborn in my 1750pt army, I do love the smooth helmet idea that Rant in E Minor used.

Edit: Steve has finished up the model to a tabletop standard for me. Looks awesome!

Edit: A back shot of the finished model.

I am very much liking this scheme. It seems simple, but effective. I'd like to get some feedback on it if anyone has time for a comment or two.