Margoth, an insignificant planet on the fringe of the galaxy.  Recently colonized by the Auretians with the help of the Angelus Mortis, it is a planet rich with minerals.  Nothing spectacular except for the secret projects occurring on its surface.  An Ork Warboss beaten into submission is held prisoner there, and the Auretians are looking for a way to subjugate these vicious beasts to their will.

An Inquisitorial mandate brings an Ultramarines sub chapter into the sector to destroy the facilities and raze it all to the ground.  Nothing should be allowed to live.  To the Inquisition, consorting with the Xenos is akin to consorting with Chaos.

Another Warboss, hearing of this injustice and seeking to make a name for himself (mostly seeking to make a name for himself), makes his way to the planet.  Krumpin 'umies who mess wit da orks.  Certainly nothing that they could allow.

And a Shadow of the Warp looms over it all.  A long sleeping tendril of a well known foe.  Hive Fleet Tartarus arrives on Margoth, seeking to consume all in its path.

The stage is set and the are all ready to play their parts, but the script is still waiting to be written.  A script written in blood.
This is the beginning of a campaign I am running in my home using the Inquisitor's Map Based Campaign Primer and my (new) planetary empires set.  We will be starting tomorrow and running it every other Sunday. Updates will follow as each day passes.