I finished my tactical squad the other night. I really like the lighter blue color scheme. I've also used one of the GW Washes for the first time (Gryphonne Sepia) and it was awesome.

Flamer: Cygnar Base Blue (Heavily watered down), Drybruh Scorch Brown, Drybrush Black

WIP Shot: I painted a grey cloth at first, and it came out really good. Unfortunately I wanted it slightly tanned., so I had to repaint it.

Cloth: Bleached Bone, Bleached Bone : Skull White Highlight, Skull White High-highlight, and Gryphonne Sepia.

Skin: Elf Flesh followed by, you guessed it, Gryphonne Sepia.

A few shots from outside. We actually have sun today!

The entire finished squad.

I plan on using the same basing material, but I'm looking for a good tutorial for making crystals out of the necron gauss sprues.

My next project will be an HQ. I definitely want to take a break from assembly line marines and do a model I can focus on. Plus I need one for compulsory. I'm not sure when I'll repaint my first tac squad, but I have a second AoBR one to paint first.

For my HQ, my options are:

Captain/Chapter Master
Master of the Forge

I also have Chaplain Cassius, but I'd like to get a little more experience on another character first. With what I currently own (2 AoBR captains) I pretty much have narrowed my choices down to the Captain and Librarian (as I want to convert one of the captains).

I'll sped this week figuring out my conversion details, and probably paint one of the Captains up just to get my compulsory units done.

Til then,
