These have been languishing in the box for far too long now, so I thought I'd start off by finishing what I started with the guardians. The weapon platform has been posted before, but I've updated the basing to match my marines:

Looks a bit better I think.

Followed this up with a helmet-less squad leader:

I'm quite pleased with the way this guy turned out. Compared with the marines, this is a lighter flesh tone (done with Elf Flesh, washed with ogryn flesh, then highlighted back up with more Elf Flesh, then mixtures of Elf Flesh and Bleached Bone). I actually managed to grow a little patience this time and paint the head and arms separately before assembly. This makes life a lot easier and the paintwork look cleaner.

Blood red used to be my least favourite colour, because it seemed a little thin / transparent. Nowadays it's my favourite colour, precisely because it's a little thin. I'm learning the lesson that in the past I was not diluting my paints enough, and getting a blobby finish. Much better to have thinner paint and use several layers of it to build up to a smoother finish. The Blood Red on the squad leader here is washed with Devlan Mud, then slowly highlighted back up with more Blood Red - just the two colours but it gives a nice smooth burnished look.

These Eldar Guardians are really easy to paint up (I'm really enjoying these - should do more Eldar) so I should get the rest of the squad posted here soon.