This is a Grotesque, one of two I have so far, I will eventually have a squad of 4.
This is considered a standard grotesque as the weapons given to it are those that come with the finecast pack.
My other Grotesque, I decided to make into an Aberration, which is like a squad leader, with one more attack, one more Ld, and a choice of special weapons.
I gave it a liquifier gun, and a mindphase gauntlet.
I will upload some pics of that when it's finished, but for now, back to the already finished one...
I had some trouble deciding what to do for the skin, whether to make it pale like dark eldar are traditionally, or whether to use an ogryn flesh wash to make it look like the skin had been stained with enemy blood.
I decided in the end that they would look better with blood stained all over (after all, they are Urien Rakarth's Coven of Stained Flesh).
What do you think of the model in general, and this colour scheme?