I am not big on posting lists because I mainly play for fun. I am considering going to the Alamo GT this year if I can swing it so I thought I would throw my list I have been playing around with out there and get a few opinions.
The Alamo GT is usually not super competitive so I am trying to build a list that is not boring for my opponent but not ultra refined/competitive and I just want to play goblins.
So please just keep that in mind while you review the list. I am willing to take useful critique and such as long as it is to make the list better for what it is, not ultra-competitive. I have played with this list a few times and so far I have more wins then losses so I am happy with it but I still wanted to get some opinions.
So without further adieu let us get onto the matter at hand as I present to you the mighty Goblin Horde of the Blood Moon Tribe!
2500 Pts - Orcs & Goblins Roster - Blood Moon Tribe
Warboss (1#, 118 pts)
1 Norag Rotgut, 118 pts (General; Hand Weapon; Light Armour; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves))
1 Basha's Axe of Stunty Smashin'
1 Enchanted Shield
1 Potion of Speed
Great Shaman (1#, 200 pts)
1 Urig Snotflinga, 200 pts (Level 4 Upgrade; Hand Weapon; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves))
1 Sneaky Stealin'
1 0. Sneaky Stabbin'
1 1. Vindictive Glare
1 2. Gift of the Spider-god
1 3. Itchy Nuisance
1 4. Gork'll Fix It
1 5. Night Shroud
1 6. Curse of da Bad Moon
1 Ruby Ring of Ruin
Shaman (1#, 85 pts)
1 Snog Wuzbang, 85 pts (Level 2 Upgrade; Hand Weapon; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves))
1 Sneaky Stealin'
1 0. Sneaky Stabbin'
1 1. Vindictive Glare
1 2. Gift of the Spider-god
1 3. Itchy Nuisance
1 4. Gork'll Fix It
1 5. Night Shroud
1 6. Curse of da Bad Moon
Big Boss (2#, 124 pts)
1 Screech Hafwit, 124 pts (Hand Weapon; Light Armour; Shield; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves))
1 Great Cave Squig (Hatred (Dwarves); Stomp; Swiftstride)
1 Ogre Blade
Gitilla (1#, 110 pts)
1 Gitilla Da Hunter, 110 pts (Spear; Fast Cavalry; Fear Elves)
1 Bone Bow
1 Stinky Pelt
1 Ulda the Great Wolf (Swiftstride)
Wolf Rider Mob (9#, 119 pts)
9 Da Howlerz, 119 pts (Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Short Bow; Light Armour; Fast Cavalry; Fear Elves; Quick to Fire)
9 Giant Wolf (Swiftstride)
Night Goblin Mob (43#, 270 pts)
39 Rotgut's Pigstikkas, 270 pts (Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Nets; Hand Weapon; Spear; Shield; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves))
1 Night Goblin Boss (Hand Weapon; Spear; Shield)
3 Fanatics
Night Goblin Mob (22#, 140 pts)
19 da' Stikkas, 140 pts (Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Spear; Shield; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves))
1 Night Goblin Boss (Hand Weapon; Spear; Shield)
2 Fanatics
Night Goblin Mob (22#, 140 pts)
19 da' Stabbas, 140 pts (Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Spear; Shield; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves))
1 Night Goblin Boss (Hand Weapon; Spear; Shield)
2 Fanatics
Night Goblin Mob (20#, 70 pts)
20 da' Flingas, 70 pts (Musician Mus; Hand Weapon; Short Bow; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves))
Night Goblin Mob (20#, 70 pts)
20 da' udda Flingas, 70 pts (Musician Mus; Hand Weapon; Short Bow; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves))
Spider Rider Mob (10#, 170 pts)
9 da' Skitters, 170 pts (Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Short Bow; Spear; Shield; Fast Cavalry; Fear Elves)
1 Spider Rider Boss (Hand Weapon; Short Bow; Spear; Shield)
10 Giant Spider (Poisoned Attacks; Swiftstride)
Shooty Things (4#, 35 pts)
1 Goblin Spear Chukka, 35 pts
3 Goblin Crew (Hand Weapon; Fear Elves)
Shooty Things (4#, 35 pts)
1 Goblin Spear Chukka, 35 pts
3 Goblin Crew (Hand Weapon; Fear Elves)
Squig Herd (20#, 135 pts)
15 Drog's Herdas, 135 pts (Hatred (Dwarves); Immune to Psychology)
5 Night Goblins (Hand Weapon; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves); Immune to Psychology)
Squig Herd (20#, 135 pts)
15 Lug's Herdas, 135 pts (Hatred (Dwarves); Immune to Psychology)
5 Night Goblins (Hand Weapon; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves); Immune to Psychology)
Squig Hoppers (20#, 120 pts)
10 da' Nutters, 120 pts (Hand Weapon; Hatred (Dwarves); Immune to Psychology; Skirmishers)
10 Squig
Mangler Squig (1#, 65 pts)
1 Snorq n Torq, 65 pts (Immune to Psychology)
Mangler Squig (1#, 65 pts)
1 Krak n Krash, 65 pts (Immune to Psychology)
Arachnarok Spider (9#, 290 pts)
1 Deff Krawla, 290 pts (Causes Terror; Immune to Psychology; Large Target; Poisoned Attacks; Stubborn; Swiftstride; Thunder Stomp)
8 Forest Goblin Crew (Short Bow; Spear)
Validation Report:
Edition: 8th Edition; Game Type: Normal Game; Army Subtype: Orc & Goblin Horde
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules
Composition Report:
Points of Lords: 318 (0 - 625)
Points of Heroes: 319 (0 - 625)
Points of Core: 979 (625 - Unlimited)
Points of Special: 460 (0 - 1250)
Points of Rare: 420 (0 - 625)
Total Roster Cost: 2496
Created with Army BuilderĀ® - Try it for free at http://www.wolflair.com
Well that is it. Now I really just need to get to painting the missing components and all should be well. So please give me a few opinions on the list and let me know what you think.
- Meatball
Blood Moon Tribe: 2500 points
by Meatball | Aug 22, 2011