So tonight I had about an hour to dedicate towards painting. I got all of the shoulder pads to where they need to be. I just have to add the pack markings and one final quick highlight (which will be done last so they don'e get rubbed off). I will have some more pics up after this weekend. If I can get a hold of a tripod, I would love to do a little video tutorial of how I produce my Power Axes. I will do my best to accomplish that goal for you all, on to the Song of the Week!
This week I wanted to go with another side of my taste in music and post something a little more aggressive. I chose to post "Two Weeks" by All That Remains. I have been a fan of these guys for about Five years now. Most of their stuff was a bit underground when I stumbled on them, but they have become pretty popular lately. This song is a good one to pump you up for a knock down drag out battle. I hope you all enjoy it, and tune in every Friday for a new Song of the Week.
Thanks for Tuning In,
-The Man Behind The Mask-
Music Is My Motivator… song of the week
by The Man Behind the Mask | Aug 26, 2011