Ok. Money problems aside, my monday nights have just been too boring. Luckilly, the new 8 week league at the Gopher is starting up tonight. It's going to be an 1850pt Adepticon ruleset. Here's the list I'm looking at running.

Rune Priest - Chooser of the Slain
                     Living Lightning
                     Tempests Wrath
Rune Priest - Chooser of the Slain
                     Fury of the Wolf Spirits
                     Living Lightning

Lone Wolf - Frost Axe, Storm Shield

4x Wolf Guard - Frost Axe

5x Grey Hunters - Mark of the Wulfen
                            Melta gun
                            Power Weapon
                            RazorBack w/ Assault Cannon (4x, 1 w/Heavy Bolter)

2x Long Fangs - 5x ML

I think that puts me about 20 points under. So I may give a couple of Wolf guard combi weapons or upgrade the Lone Wolf to Termi armor.