Here's some new stuff I'm working on before FlatCon 2011 to help make my list WYSIWYG for the upcoming events there. I'm entering all three events. The Kill Team on Friday, the Teams tourney on Saturday (with the awesome pchappel as my partner) and the 1850pt Championship tourney on Sunday. It's gonna be a tough weekend for sure but I should get some good experience for Adepticon next spring. Here's a peek at some of the stuff I'm doing.
Chooser of the Slain for my Rune Priests
 The models were graciously donated by a co-worker of mine that also plays. I got them, he got to get rid of some models that weren't doing anything but collecting dust.

In the kill team list and the 1850 list I use a Lone Wolf with Frost Axe and Storm Shield. He's only 75 points and that gets me a 2 wound model with a 3++, Feel No Pain, Eternal Warrior, and a Str 5 power weapon. Not too shabby. Had to cut the top off a thunder hammer and put a frost axe head on it to get the right handed axe but it turned out pretty good and almost seem less. Once I get the paint on it it'll look like it was sent that way.

I kinda like the banner since it makes him stand out from just a regular model. I can take it or leave it though, cause I think it might make the model just a little too busy. What says you internets?

Either way, it's going to be a busy few weeks, converting and painting as much as I can. If I can't get them done for the 1850 I do have my Eldar ready to go (mostly). But I don't really stand any chance of winning with them.