Hi, Efrybody! (Hi, Dr. Nick!) This week I have some blast from the past nerdiness in the form of some Good ol' fashioned D&D.


That's right. A couple of my buddies and I are getting together and throw down. I'm rollin' out with a Dwarf Fighter named Svarti Blackstone, and am truly looking forward to Axing some Cobolds some questions (badumchhh.)

In the mean times, I've got the body of a Razorback done for my Flesh Tearers. Check it:

I'm digging on how the lenses came out. 

A bit o' weathering and some purity.

Let me tell you, all that line highlighting takes a Long time.

You may have noticed all the bullet holes. I figured the Flesh Tearers combat doctrine is all about the CQC, so transports would be peppered with small arms fire a lot. Razorback Daceus just hasn't gotten field repairs yet.

Well that's it for this week. Stay tuned for the continuing Adventures of Svarti Blackstone and company coming to a Waaagh! Grimbad near you!