First off we have Kharthis Bloodfang, Exalted Champion of Khorne. This guy's my character killer with his killing blow Axe of Khorne. Mmmm. Killing Blow. (For our 40k Audience, think Rending)
He's sporting a Hand Weapon and an Axe of Khorne. For head taking.
I'm quite proud of the lefty axe. My first attempt at highlighting Weapons.
Next up we have a Sorcerer of Death ('s Construction). He doesn't really have a name, but I do love those glorious Lore of Death Spells. I had the Necromancer from the Corpsecart Warshrine conversion, so I glued him to a base, and Robert's your father's brother, I have a death sorcerer.
Not my best paint work, but it gets the job done.
The wand is made of the Whippin' arm trimmed down and a Zombie head. (both from the cart kit.)
Next up we have my Lord for the time being. He's a Lord of Tzeentch (obviously) that sports The Armour of Dargan which gives him immunity to Killing Blow and multiple wound attacks. That means even cannon balls will only do 1 wound on this guy. Scary. Also, he has a 3+ ward save. (think invulnerable, but you get to take it AND your armour save) thanks to a Talisman of Protection (4+) and his Mark of Tzeentch (+1 to ward saves.)
One mean dude.
Last but not least, some Rank and File Warrior of Chaos. These guys are THE best infantry in the game, stat wise. Their only failing is the price (15 a pop) and the fact that they're relatively slow. I guess all that magic uber-chaos armour is heavy.
These guys are the snap-together paint scheme tester/unit filler models, so the Detail isn't as good as the actual kit, but they get the point across.
I really like the shiny effect the washes gave the armour. I think I'll keep it. It's Chaos after all.
Red Capes are my favorite.
So what d'you guys think? Any comments criticisms?
Next post, I'm going to show you folks my Khorne Knights. Until next time, Chiiiiildren. This is Waaagh! Grimbad, and we're here fo' yew.