Hi again, I've just finished the defiler for my CSM army, the first finished unit (my first squad of thousand sons will probably be next).
With thousand sons, to make the defiler "egyptian looking", a lot of people buy the fantasy tomb kings warsphinx set, and use the top half as the defiler body.
While I like this idea, I decided to make my defiler a little simpler, just painting it in the same colour scheme, putting Tzeentch transfers here and there, and a thousand sons transfer on the body, also removing the reaper autocannon and heavy flamer, replacing them with 2 extra close combat arms.
These close combat arms are not represented however, as I feel they would make the model over crowded, so I have filled the gaps where the guns should be, with spare chaos spikes.
My reason for removing the guns, is that the troops in this army will make up the majority of the firepower, so I dont need to put many more points into shooting units, and decided to back up this armies weakpoint, which is close combat.
The defiler still has its battle cannon, as this is compulsory, and has a satisfying range if the inferno bolters aren't in range.
Finally, I chose to not use the defiler's mask options, as I don't think they look very "Tzeentchy" and seem to suit khorne more, so it's head is a basic robotic head.