THREE MONTHS?! I can’t believe so much time has passed between now and my last post. Things around here have been quite busy – enough to keep me out of the studio and my paint palette well and truly dry. But now the leaves are starting to turn and a chill can be felt on the breeze, all the signs are there for some Autumn/Winter hobbying to really start.
The last couple of weeks have provided me with enough time to almost finish my ten-man Ultramarine tactical squad, with only a bolter carrying marine and flamer to paint. I was able to batch apply decals to the other eight marines just this weekend past and I’m pleased at just how tight and complete they now look. Some pics on a new piece of terrain I’m building will follow soon.
This week I broke open a box of Eldar Guardians that I’ve had sitting on the shelf for some time and decided to assemble and paint a single model as I’ve not painted any Eldar before. Having been used to painting the Ultramarines recently, I was surprised at just how small and intricate they are to paint and being a little rusty in my skills at the moment I must admit I found it challenging. I’m not overly pleased with the result to be honest and I think I will be trying another couple in the near future to see if I can improve my results.
I chose a Zahr-Tann Craftworld colour scheme for the first model as I don’t find the garish colours of the other Craftworlds that appealing, but I think for the next one I will choose a colour scheme that’s a little less sombre.