It's Friday! Gonna be a big weekend. Two 40k tourney's in 2 days at FlatCon and I'm ready. I finalized my kill team list last night and much to my surprise I had miscalculated the points and actually had room for another guy. Here's the list I'll be using:
Lone Wolf - Frost Axe
Storm Shield - 75 pts
Grey Hunters x7 - Melta Gun
Power weapon - 125
The Lone Wolf gets the Fleet of Foot USR, the Melta gunner gets Feel No Pain, and the Power Weapon gets Furious Charge.
It's 8 bodies total, that's not a lot but one of them will have feel no pain and the lone wolf has feel no pain and eternal warrior with a 3++ save. Shooting I have 12 bolter shots and one melta shot. Assault wise I have what amounts to 2 S5 power weapons. I'm a little worried about masses of guys like grots or something, but I should be able to wade through enough of them it won't matter. We shall see.
As for the teams tourney, the list is ready and the army is almost ready. All I have left to do is finish my razorback and I'll be good to go. Sorry no pics yet. I just haven't had the time. I'll post some Sunday after I get to take a break for a bit.
Good News or Why I Suck at Math
by FunDave | Oct 21, 2011