From Mars' Project Blog
We have been having a lot of fun with our Planetary Empires campaign, and if you follow Tallarn over at Still Practicing (Which you should!) you would see that he has been doing quite well. The crux of his success, he has hypothesized, is tied directly to the establishment of his Super Secret Space Wolf Moon Base. As of this weekend, SSSWNB has now been compromised. Jeremy's Imperial Fists have taken over the SSSWMB spaceport, but just barely (Needed a "5" and rolled a "6"). The photo leading into the article was shot on my phone in order to accomplish a timely razzing.

I didn't get a lot of painting done this weekend, which I could have called from a mile away, as I just posted something about painting. We had company and autumnal festivities to attend. Was able to get a couple of quick games (And how...) with said company. And in one day I lost not one, but two games, in the first turn. It was something else. There were a lot of contributing factors like scenario, and Seize the Initiative, etc but both Codex Space Marine lists ate my lunch. It was a real-deal butt whuppin', and an excellent reminder that the Space Marine Codex can still be pretty legit.