Another thing that has sat on the shelf for quite a while. While perhaps not the most noteworthy unit on the tabletop, it's definitely one of he more characterful ones. As I mentioned, it was inspired by one on Excommunicate Traitoris blog. What am I talking about? Iacton Thauss, the Holy Preacher and a Missionary of the God Emperor himself!
I really enjoyed building him (also gave me something to do with those excess flagellants...) but painting him was quite a lot of fun too! I decided to give him a little different colour, so that he stands out a little, although it is still a colour present in the army so he ties in visually.
At first his robes were supposed to be red, but then I thought he'll be too similar to my Psykers. So I went with green. Although I decided that his flak vest and weapons are more tied to the 42nd. Perhaps the regimental quartermasters decided to grant him these as a favor or as thanks for something he has performed?
The name of the character, is actually Iacton Leman Thauss, and he is a character I used to play in Dark Heresy. He was meant to be this crazy flamer/shotgun-totting crazy priest with a chainsword. At least on the outside as inside he is actually quite a smart and calculating man. However this is Iacton flash forward quite a few years.
Suddenly he is blinded, although he still sems to be quite capable of hitting enemies instead of allies, as he claims the Emperor grants him sight, so he does not need his eyes. It also seems that whatever blinded him has also made him forget the smart and calculating part and only made him more crazy. Although he still is quite an orator. And what of his ties to the Inquistion? After all, he used to be part of an Inquisitor's cell...
Perhaps the mystery won't be solved, especially since nobody really knows about those things! However he turned out to be quite a nice model and I really had fun painting somethinga little different. I especially like how the wood turned out. Hope you like him too, let me know what you think in the comments!
For He is Our Lord and Saviour!
by Hal'jin | Nov 3, 2011