Aand another miniature that has been sitting there unpainted for years now. The final member of the Regimental Advisors, one that, sadly, turned out to be quite lackluster. The Master of Ordnance.
While I probably won't be fielding that guy much, he still has quite an amazing model, that I like very much and I thought it's about time to give him some paint, especially considering that his friends have been painted for a very long time.
He is quite a characterful model. Like the two others he has plenty of little detail hanging around. This time starting with a nice closeup shot!
Some overall shots. The lightning was very... yellow, so I did some adjustments in Photoshop. It seems colours are preserved well though!
I'm not absolutely happy with the face though. Turns out the brush was quite worn out the moment I was painting him.
Unlike the other advisors, he nearly blends in the 42nd with all the same colour scheme as the rest of the army. After all he is coming for a Cadian Artillery regiment so he gets similar gear!
After I've painted him I am a little tempted to field him, even though he isn't really that great on the tabletop. Perhaps in my all-infantry Guard list I've been thinking about lately!
And that's about it. Stay tuned for Thursday for a big reveal too, something a lot of you wanted to see! Also don't hesitate to comment on this one!
Fire from the Sky
by Hal'jin | Nov 7, 2011