New league begins tonight and I'm once again bringing Wolves to the table. We are using the Kill Team force org (no heavies, no HQ's) but using the standard battle missions out of the books. With that in mind I'm bringing the max of two troops I can have. I'll be brining 2 Grey hunter squads, decked out in my usual fashion in Razorbacks. One will have a TL assault cannon and the other will have the Layzcannon w/TL plasma gun. I'll also be bringing a couple of 2x Heavy Bolter speeders just for added dakka. The Layzcannon should give me the puch to take out heavy armor and the the speeders can run a flank while the assault cannon can run the other one. Sounds like a good plan, then you have to roll dice. We'll see how it goes.

On the painting/modeling front, I finally got off my ass and put together the house bastions that I promised I would assemble a year ago. Also, my new special project should arrive in the mail today and hopefully I'll have them mostly done by the end of the week.