Seeing as everybody seems to be going mad for Praetorian Rough Riders at the moment with Victoria Lamb producing her own as well as Col Gravis and the whole Cavember thing I thought I'd bang out some more photos.
Shown above is the Rough Rider Lieutenant with Command Squad I made using Rogue Trader cavalry and Praetorian heads.

Below are Col Gravis' riders with the addition of Secret weapon small crests to the helmets.  I'm not too sure if it works but it hints more towards an elite corps rather than having ordinary Infantry helmets.

Post Christmas however, it will be a box of Pistoliers from the local GW and a big Paypal order to Victoria Lamb's website.  Funny how there is so much support for the idea of Praetorians after they were discontinued by GW.  The thing is though I believe that they do not particularly fit the "Grim Dark" vibe of the 40k universe but, as a true Brit, the idea of Redcoats in Space is too strong to be resisted.