Been a month or 2 since my last post, been having a break from hobbying for most of that period only occasionally working on the odd thing.

Largely been distracted with Xbox Games mainly Arkham City and Battlefield 3. But I've also gotten back into reading and have worked my way through a decent number of books mainly David Gemmels Drenai novels.

So onwards to why I'm posting I've been working on some stuff again:

First up WiP of Centurion Vorenus, commander of the 3rd company of the Steel Praetorians:

Size comparison to a normal marine:

Been working on this guy slowly for the past week, ever since receiving the Sicarius head from Rasmus (many thanks sir :) ). I was originally thinking of getting the fron plates from some Sang guard torsos for the whole muscle look then figured it would be less hassle to just sculpt it.

He still needs a cloak adding as well as a Roman style storm shield making. Game wise he will count as having a relic blade and storm shield.

Next up we have 2 armatures:

Both in the early stages, I've decided I want to push my scratch sculpt skills and try to improve. I have come up with a potential project to use for  practise but I shall keep that secret for now ;)

Well thats it for this update, posts will likely become more sporadic as I'm just taking hobby stuff at a steady pace to maintain my interest in it.

As ever any comments or suggestions are more than welcome :)