Hey all, I've been playing with Necrons a lot for the last couple weeks and I've come up with my first list. I've also come to accept and even like some of the new fluff once I was able to let go of the old version of it.  However, I don't like the concept of "drivers" for the Necron vehicles, and I will not be including any on my vehicles.  With technology this advanced, the vehicles can drive themselves, thanks.

Anrakyr the Traveller, Command Barge, Gauss Cannon
Overlord, Warscythe, Tachyon Arrow, Mindshackle Scarabs, Command Barge, Gauss Cannon
Court, 2 Harbingers of Destruction, 1 Solar Pulse, 1 Lord with Resurrection Orb
9 Warriors, Ghost Ark
9 Warriors, Ghost Ark
15 Warriors
8 Scarabs
8 Scarabs
8 Scarabs
Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge
Doomsday Ark

My requirements for the first army were that it had to be made using only models that existed (with the exception of the characters and crypteks which can be easily converted) and I wanted to make use of the new vehicles.

I'm still working on building it (still waiting on some of it to come in actually), but I'm looking forward to playing it.  I've played the scarabs in one game so far and I definitely thing they are going to be pretty dirty.
