I am delighted to announce that on the 18th and 19th of February I will be gleefully playing at the Jolly Toys Outing's first ever tournament in Warhammer World Nottingham! This event looks set to be a great time and being styled around Nova it will be a good change of pace to my usual gaming. The games are all 200 points with some different missions from the core rulebook but with some practice they seem to be really thought-provoking and will sure to give some interesting play.

This is the blog and the rules pack and all information can be found within. 

The Grand Prize....

Now on to the important stuff; my list and ideas. Having never really played at 2000 points before (shocking I know) I only have my knowledge collected from the 11th Company and now 40kUK to prepare myself. I will be playing furiously against my friends with practice games but really I don't expect to be that practiced going to it; all my efforts will have to be mathhammered and thought-processed out.

With that in mind I want to go to have fun as I doubt I will win anything so a fun list I enjoy is in order. But at the same time I want to do well as I enjoy winning, but I love to win with an army I invented and love which hopefully will also throw people off their strategy when seeing my unusual list. As such I have spent a while ironing out my Tyranids and finding the niches I like to fill and style I like to use with them. Although the list looks rather standard I am adamant that I arrived at it with little internet help and actually thought up the synergy independently although definitely not first a while ago.

The conclusion was that I love monstrous creatures and resiliency but have found through my first ever play test that at 2000 points most armies can drop a Tervigon or two a turn, which is not resilient I want at all. So I have turned to the Tyrannofex and Armoured Tyrant as both have a 2+ armour bound to help against all manner of missile launchers. I have also added back in my always loved Venomthropes to protect the big bugs. This thought actually lead me back to my original Tyranid lists code-named the 'Bio-Dozer' on The Tyranid Hive's formations thread (I used to be Tyranidanator) where the Venoms, Tervigons, Tyrant and gaunts for an impenetrable bunker. Here is the list then:

Hive Tyrant
2 Twin-Linked Brainleech Devourers
Armoured Shell
Old Adversary
The Horror
2 Tyrant Guard
Lash Whips
Tyranid Prime
Dual Boneswords
Adrenal Glands
3 Hive Guard
3 Hive Guard
3 Venomthropes
Toxin Sacs
Adrenal Glands
Cluster Spines
Toxin Sacs
Adrenal Glands
Cluster Spines
11 Termagaunts
11 Termagaunts
Heavy Support
Rupture Cannon
Cluster Spines
Electro-shock Grubs
Rupture Cannon
Cluster Spines
Electro-shock Grubs

What this does for me is provide a core which is very hard for enemies to take out (all the T6, 2+ armour, FnP and 5+ cover) while also shrouding with gaunts to prevent charges and claim objectives. The Tyrannofexes are a wildcard as many people dislike them but I think they are great as they really help reduce incoming firepower and are a huge nuisance to kill. Concentrated fire will of course work but doesn't it always? Best thing I think about this is that against Grey Knights I think they will be great as GK don't have a great answer to the MCs besides assault and massed shooting which I might be able to mitigate. Downsides are Necrons as all their AV13 will be a nuisance even for Tyrannofexes and they have plenty of shots to take me down.

Plus side though, measured out that the Primes joined on the 3 Venomthropes will provide a 12" wide unit so a 24" wide cover bubble! That means my army can be spread to avoid blast but also means I can threaten the entire board with my Tyrannofexes and cover a huge area with Hive Guard.

With Necrons just out I have been burrowing into the internet and codex to try and glean all my tactical knowledge I can from it before the tournament to be best prepared to fight them. Here's hoping an FAQ comes out quick! (....grumble ....Death Ray.... grumble.....)

So anything to improve or bad match-ups I should be looking into?