
Just a quick update today, time is limited!  Last week, a friend and I made the trip up to Flint, MI (4 hours!) to play in the Foodhammer 2011 charity tournament!

A big "Thanks!" to all the guys at Fresh Coast 40K and Gamers Sanctuary for hosting this awesome tournament!  We had a great time, and met some great people!

Alas, I didn't fare very well in the gaming part of the tournament.  But, I did take home the awards for Best Painting!  Here's a pic of the army I took to the tourney (credit goest to Fresh Coast 40K for the pic):

Thanks again to all the guys at Fresh Coast 40K for the kudos!  I've spent a lot of time and effort on my Space Wolves over the last 2+ years, and if is awesome to think that other appreciate it, too!  There were several armies at Foodhammer that were super-well painted; I'm honored and humbled to have been awarded Best Painting from that field!

That's all I've got time for this week... please check out my Commissions page if you're interested in some work.  I've recently simplified and reduced the pricing structure, so now is a great time to get some work done!

As always, thanks for reading!
