A hearty welcome to 2012 one and all.
Now, I’ve never been much inclined to make New Year’s resolutions as I know right from the get-go that just a few weeks into the year and any that I have made will fall by the wayside. However, when I reflect upon the fact that my last post on this blog was October 30th 2011, it has made me realise that I owe it to myself (and to anyone else that might be marginally interested in reading my inane drivel) to post here just a little more frequently. And since October, I’ve actually been making some progress with my hobby – not just in painting, but in learning to play 40K too – so I feel I should at least let the Interweb know about it.
So there you have it folks, my one (and most likely only) resolution for this year – to put fingertips to keyboard a bit more regularly.