So for a change from my recent posts, I thought I would give my blog some Warhammer Fantasy love. Later on today I have my first game of the year against my mate Stevyn as through stroke of luck I'm able to finish work early and he's off work for the day and we've agreed to have a game of Warhammer. As I'm thinking about starting a new army and currently enjoying messing around with smaller point games, we've decided to have a 1500 point game (hopefully games but depends on how much time we have).
I've been getting a bit bored with my Daemons in Warhammer recently as they seem to be all about the big blocks and what support buffs you can get for them. So in a slight change, I've decided to give the Warriors of Chaos a go (which is great as it's really easy to proxy up with my Daemons). After some thought I decided to bring a list which is a bit of a all rounder, which is good as I have no idea what Stevyn is using. My list is ....
Sorcerer Lord - 320 pts (General)
with Fencer's Blades, Talisman of Preservation, Favor of the Gods, Knows The Lore of Death
Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch - 185 pts
with Disc of Tzeentch, Golden Eye of Tzeentch, Knows The Lore of Tzeentch and is a Level 2 Wizard
23 Chaos Warriors - 401 pts
with Shields, Musician and Standard. Has Standard of Discipline
5 Chaos Knights - 230 pts
with Musician and Standard
5 Chaos Knights - 230 pts
with Musician and Standard
1 Chaos Warshrine, 130 pts
As you can see its very compact! As usual with all Warriors of Chaos lists, the army revolves around magic support hence the two sorcerers. With the tight points, it's been very tricky to fit things in but I have come up with a list I'm happy with. With the Sorcerer Lord being not too shabby in combat anyway, the Fencer's Blades should give him a slight edge by making him more difficult to hit (and easy to hit back) as well as an extra attack. The Talisman gives him a 4+ Ward Save and the Favor of the Gods allows him and his unit get more favorable rolls from the Eye of the Gods table. I chose the Lore of Death as it has a nice selection of spells ranging from a couple of pokey spells for picking out characters to massive unit effecting spells (like purple sun!). The Tzeentch sorcerer is there to deal with support units either through magic or charging (in very last chance scenarios!).
The core of the army is a block of warriors with shields. This unit is to house the general as well as provide a very hard anvil unit which is tough to kill and hits hard. The magical standard means my general is Leadership 9 which should be good. I would have preferred a BSB to also sit in this unit but I felt a mobile unit (the sorcerer) would be more useful. Out on the flanks will be the Knights and I will use these as support for the Warriors rather than shock cavalry. They are more than capable of taking out similar sized units or charging straight at a missile unit without suffering much damage! Lastly I chose a Warshrine as it's great for buffing my army as well as a capable fighting model in it's own right.
I'll post up later how the army did and what changes I would make but I have a feeling I should win my game as long as I don't get carried away with charging things off! What do you think about the army?