"And so, Arturius charged forward, his wings beating were reminiscent of the sound of war drums. He drove forward with such force that his squad were filled with all the same righteous zeal as their chaplain and leader led them with, they charged an army while all the world wondered..."
 Excerpt from the Charge of the Eagle of the third.

All Chaplains embody the brazen courage that supposedly becomes their title. They know less than no fear fight with all the zeal of three fighters and will fight until their dying breath. Truly, Chaplains show Wild cantankerous Choler of a true warrior. This is no less in the Eagles of the Son's of the Emperor.

An unofficial title, The Eagle, numbered using 'of the x' is a commanding influence within the Chapter council they are considered to be the right hand of the Chapter master, despite the Chapter's preference for ranged and armoured assaults. In his Duties, the Eagle is considered the leader of the Chaplains. Aside from that, the Eagle is able to call upon every assault marine and every vanguard veteran in the army. This may prove a slight deviation from Codex, but it is allowed as a result of the value the eagle brings to the table. Though the eagle is a title held until death, the eagle is expected to fly into the face of death without thought of self preservation. Though still tactically minded as any commander of marines, the eagle will blindly charge into combat no matter the cost. Many a squad has been lost following an Eagle into combat, but those who remain after the dust has settled are borne witness to possible the most beautiful example of Imperial combat.

Although the Eagle is a powerful combatant as a marine, when realised in combat, the eagle becomes more godlike. His power increases and his skills wits increase. The wings of the eagles flight literally increase in size and provide the ultimate symbol of power to the men of the eagle's army.

For this reason, it is a terrible day when the Eagle is lost, and should he be lost, his body would become a reverence point for the marines, and an important holding point.

That's my attempt at a formal explaination of the character. I hope it is exciting enough for your tastes.

The Vaerra model himself is fairly simple, he has already been shown Here.

The model will be an impressively long length, and he probably will be prone to fragility of the wings.

I'm hoping the model will look excellent, there is every chance that it will be a complete failure as a model, and I do believe the wings may look just a little too large.

Hopefully this isn't the case, but I am speculating.

The design notes for the Space marine model that will be used. Nice and simple, huh?

A set of corresponding rules can be found here.