So I besides being in grad school, teaching full time, I have been running an escalation league at my local FLGS.  I just want to do a quick post here to show the scores so far.

Rank Player Average Std.Dev. Games played
1  Jeremiah   77.4      0.65       2
2  Trent          74.2     0.55       4
3 Ronnie       73.0      0.51       2
4 Dustin        63.3      0.20       1
5 James         54.6     -0.08      1
6 Carl            48.6     -0.27      3
7 David          40.5     -0.53      4
8 Tycho          39.1     -0.58      3

Jeremiah 50.0
Trent 45.6
Ronnie 43.8
Dustin 32.7
Carl 20.6
James 19.7
David 5.3
Tycho 4.9

James 22.0
David 20.1
Ronnie 17.6
Tycho 16.9
Dustin 16.7
Carl 14.8
Jeremiah 14.5
Trent 12.2

Tycho 17.3
Trent 16.4
David 15.2
Dustin 13.9
Carl 13.1
Jeremiah 12.9
James 12.9
Ronnie 11.6

And Tycho is the best go to guy on the rules so far (4.4 avg.) and Ronnie is in
last place (2.5 avg.).