After a particularly poor showing at this month's Local Gaming tournament with my Blood Angels. I found that my little red droppers weren't working very well at all. Something about an army that relies on reserve gimmicks exclusively (improved as they may be in BA) tends to make games really one sided. Either I'm behind the enemy blowing up their dudez or I'm getting an ass full of lazer and it's not long before the game's over. I know there's a lot of luck involved with 40k but if you're playing a deep strike heavy list it's almost ALL LUCK. So I've decided to rededicate myself to finishing and fine tuning my sisters into an army.

Sisters aren't the best half of codex out there but.... I seem to have like 100s of them sitting around. Some of which I bought at GW Retail price! OUCH! $13 for 3 sisters that is.
No, I'm not smart, or proud so let's just get past how I have them and get to painting and army listing.

So let's start with a new list and see what Tweaks we can make from there:
Jacob: 90pts

Battle Conclave: 150pts
7 DCA, 3 Cruez

Fast Attack:
Dominons: 6 Doms, Superior w/Combi-Melta, 2 Melters, Simulacrum. 132pts
Immolator: Multi-Melta, Ex Armor, Search Light 96pts
Dominons: 6 Doms, Superior w/Combi-Melta, 2 Melters, Simulacrum. 132pts
Immolator: Multi-Melta, Ex Armor, Search Light 96pts
Seraphim: 10 Sarahs, Melta Pistols 185pts

Sisters of Battle: 10 Sisters, x2 Flamer. 130pts
Rhino: Ex Armor 50pts
Sisters of Battle: 10 Sisters, x2 Flamer. 130pts
Rhino: Ex Armor 50pts
Sisters of Battle: 10 Sisters, x2 Flamer. 130pts
Rhino: Ex Armor 50pts

Heavy Support:
Retributors: 10 Rets, 4 Heavy Bolters, Simulacrum 140pts
Rhino: Ex Armor 50pts
Exorcist: 135pts
Exorcist: 135pts

Well that's pretty solid actually. Not a lot of troops though, but Celestine is a straight beast and should be pretty good at distracting oncoming fire off the real threats.
I'm not sure why Serpahim are a better choice than another squad of Dominions, because they're not. But I have a TON of the flying nuns so I need to do something besides throw them out. Plus they're not that bad, I can reserve them if I need to protect them, and with 2 meltashots they could deal with armor or exposed infantry alike. But Let's see if I can't slim this down a bit just to see if I can get another troops choice somewhere.

Jacob: 90pts

Battle Conclave: 150pts
7 DCA, 3 Cruez

Fast Attack:
Dominons: 6 Doms, Superior w/Combi-Melta, 2 Melters, Simulacrum. 132pts
Immolator: Multi-Melta, Search Light 81pts
Dominons: 6 Doms, Superior w/Combi-Melta, 2 Melters, Simulacrum. 132pts
Immolator: Multi-Melta, Search Light 81pts
Seraphim: 10 Sarahs, Melta Pistols 185pts

Sisters of Battle: 10 Sisters, x2 Flamer. 130pts
Rhino: 35pts
Sisters of Battle: 10 Sisters, x2 Flamer. 130pts
Rhino: 35pts
Sisters of Battle: 10 Sisters, x2 Flamer. 130pts
Rhino: 35pts
Sisters of Battle: 10 Sisters, x2 melta. 140pts
Rhino: 35pts

Heavy Support:
Retributors: 5 Rets, 4 Heavy Bolters, Simulacrum 75pts
Rhino: 35pts
Exorcist: 135pts
Exorcist: 135pts


Hmmmm there we go. I got some extra points by stripping the transports to just a rhino (AH! I DID IT AGAIN!) Obviously I could drop the Serhas and get another box of Dominions, which I SHOULD DO, but I have a problem with taking 1 unit in my army that's bad. Like FlashGitz, Blood Claws, Scouts, and Sisters :P
So The BC steals the rets rhino and either rushes up with everyone else or holds back waiting for something good to can-opener into. It's lots of MEQ which I'm kind of sick sick of. But what are you going to do? SoBs have always been a MEQ list due to their limited but intense firepower and need to keep their squishy parts save until it's time to shoot.
Suggestions Welcome!

Next Up Painting!