I'm afraid that right not I'm fresh out of cash - not a dime on me. Therefore, buying the Emperor's champion model to make this model won't be bought for a long time. Suffice to say, I'll wait until I have the model to paint the wings and backpack. 

Regardless, here's the progress on the model. You'll notice that these IOB's Griffon wings are massive - a problem that may make the model become ridiculous.

To mitigate this likelihood, I've planned to put him on a flying stand when he is put on his base. He will probably be at an angle, maybe about 60 degrees facing forward rather than bolt upright.

We'll see. 

Here's the conversion in all it's glory - Noe the massiveness of the wings against the small backpack. Aside from some cutting and minor green stuff, this is a simple pinning into place that enables the wings to stay in place. 

A size comparison between the two wings. 

I plan on cutting hand off the shield - I'll use the models clenched fist as to show him holding the shield 

The front of the shield. I though the large shield, wings and sword would represent the eagle perfectly.