Since "The Twelve Tasks of Asterix" and much later "Lord of the Rings" I have been a fan of an army of undead ghosts skeletons in the army of the dead style. I decided against the grave guard and will buy 20 more skeletons and will build two big blocks of 50 skeleton warriors with spears as a very solid core troop choice. I painted up a test figure, to see how it would work and especially how fast I can do it. Turns out, basing the miniature takes much longer then painting it like this. It only took about four minutes (I used an airbrush and a blow dryer to speed thing up) to finish the miniature. Four minutes times a hundred, thats about 7 hours... OMG!!! but let's just see how long it will take. Maybe I can put in a painting marathon the next time I got some free time. Anyway here is the testfigure.