Last time around I put a little disclaimer to warn you that this post might not be pretty. It definately doesn't start off that way. With the gusto that would be the envy of many a freestyle disco dancer I managed to knock the Titan fresh off its feet and watched in horror as the towering beast toppled over. Heart in mouth, and head in hands, I done what any good modeller in my position would've... put down my beer and began to assess the damage.

Yep, that worrysome knee joint went! It had always had a degree of wobble to it. Funny enough, the ankle joint was in perfect condition, no doubt a result of the multiple interlocking pins! There was a small knick in one of the hip shields and one of the pulsars snapped. Luckily it was a clean break.

After receiving due medical attention, I decided that a degree of improvements was in order. With an eye towards increasing the portability of the model as well as its stability I removed the pin from the right knee joint and replaced it with a longer one... which now runs right the way through the knee and into the lower leg!

I decided again that not glueing this new pin in place would mean that I could take the Titan off of its base which would help storage and transport no end! Getting the base away from the model also meant that I was able to make a start with adding some modelling interest to it. I wanted to keep things simple - the Titan is the main focus, not the base!

These final tweaks meant that the Titan was now built and ready to get a lick of paint!!! I'll be posting one final time giving you lots of final built pictures (taken just before the base was modelled). Later this year I will probably post painting pictures but I'm eager to work on other projects before then!!!