And there is the other butcher shaman I´ve made so far.
In this case this is a Death lore shaman.
I´ve tried to make him as menacing and quiet as I´ve can, just to give the feeling that he is so used to death that battle don´t even bother him.His weapon is one of the scariest looking weapon on all the ogre kingdoms armory, kind of a jaw open to bite some unfortunate dude.
He is scratchbuilt from:
Body, right arm, bear trap hand, decorations and head from the ogres sprue.
The left arm is a standart arm from the ogres sprue but the top is changed by a weapon from the mournfang cavalry sprue.
Gut plate comes from the ironguts sprue.
The dog is from the undead box of mantic games.
Just a simple but effective conversion.
As you can see he is heavily cover in tribal paintings, from the left almost white arm to the skull in his face.
Comments and criticism are welcome.